What To Do When Your Tank Is On Empty

A Life Worth Living | Mar 11, 2022

Every Saturday I share a story about my life in a way that you can hopefully relate to. I believe we are all here to share our journey, both the highs and the lows, as this is how we collectively raise the consciousness of the planet. If anything resonates with you, please share! πŸ™ (4 minute read)

Some days/weeks are harder than others.

A few weeks ago I posted a shorter than usual letter titled Time to Grieve. We've recently said an unexpected goodbye to our sweet & lovely dog Islay, and there's been a big hole in our home since then.

I've also been reading a book which was suggested to my partner, Bearing the Unbearable: Love, Loss, and the Heartbreaking Path of Grief by Joanne Cacciatore. I'm halfway through and it's been extremely helpful.

”We are not either happy or sad. We are not either grieving or grateful. We are not either content or despairing. We are both/and.β€œ

Joanne Cacciatore

The thing about grief is that it is never a one-and-done experience by any means. To think that it won't affect your output, or ability to focus on the day-to-day is unrealistic.

Give Yourself Some Grace

Treat this as a reminder to give yourself some grace.

There may be days when you don't feel like getting out of bed, or you sit down to write your weekly newsletter and end up staring at a blank screen for (what feels like) hours.

Share those stories. It's OK to be vulnerable.

I've found that these are the moments that bring us a little closer together.

Use What You Got

So what to post when you don't feel like posting?

For those on Twitter, one of my goto apps has been Hypefury. It has a great feature on mobile that re-surfaces past tweets I've sent. For the past week, it's all I've had the energy for. I simply opened up the app and scheduled a few tweets, like this one from Thursday.

As I've mentioned in previous letters, we sometimes waaaaay overthink about resharing old content as we're worried that people might 'catch us'.

I hate to break the news to you: your listeners have their own daily worries and concerns and are not really paying attention to your content marketing strategy.

Stick To Your Lane

For now I've settled in on this weekly letter and Twitter as my main platforms as they both allow me to communicate my message with words.

Just to be clear, please don't take that to mean that I'm super eloquent in person. To the contrary, I'm actually an internal processor and it takes me a loooong time to get thoughts out of my head.

Writing here is a result of a collection of thoughts and ideas that have been jumbling around my mental bouncy castle for the past week.

Easy Resharing

One other cool Hypefury feature is the ability to repurpose tweets as Instagram posts, without any extra work on my behalf. Probably not the most aesthetically or visually appealing feed, but it keeps fresh content there, which I've had IG friends engage with and like!

In closing, remember to give yourself some grace this week if you haven't been able to keep that content hamster wheel spinning.

Say to yourself: "I'm only human".

Queue the 80's reference:

πŸ™ with gratitude,


Newsletter Recommendation

♑️ Capricorn Born - Seeking more intuitive guidance? Natalie's aim is to de-stigmatize tarot's bad rap. It's simply a tool that helps with decision-making, getting unstuck, or just helping you to see a different perspective. Having experienced this first hand, I'm not sure how it works, but it just does. We could all use a bit of guidance every now and then, right? Subscribe today!

What I Created This Week

🎧 Vertical Farming Podcast (Season 7) sponsored by Cultivatd

🎧 Podcast Junkies sponsored by Focusrite

πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ P.S. When You're Ready...

Here are a few of ways I can help…

✑️ Download a free copy of my Conscious Voice Expansion Plan. The most powerful way to transmit and elevate your voice is with a podcast. This plan will outline for you the pillars of success needed prior to the launch of your show!

πŸŽ₯ Watch my free video, 5 Key Pillars of a Profitable Podcast that every business owner needs to know prior to launching their show.

πŸŽ™οΈ Subscribe to Podcast Junkies + Vertical Farming Podcast to hear inspiring stories guaranteed to make you a better host.

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